CommuNIqué - Newsletter of the Bahá'í Community in Northern Ireland
Issue 109 - 13 Asmá 162 BE - 1 September 2005 CE


Training Institute Newsletter



Charles Dunning (Cluster 1)

Cluster Reflection Meeting

This Reflection Meeting held on 3 July was the first one organised by the newly-appointed Cluster Coordinating Committee, in collaboration with our two Board members and our Area Coordinator. It was held in our beautiful summer school venue of Lorne, and luckily the sun came out at lunch-time, so we were able to enjoy our picnic lunch.

The day started with a beautiful devotional, which ended with everyone singing "Blessed is the Spot". We then cleared the chairs, and played a game which, as well as being fun, illustrated some of the qualities we need to move from a B to an A cluster. Next followed a period of reflection where we heard stories from people who were holding study circles, devotionals, or carrying out home visits. Story-time followed, with an inspiring story about Baha'u'llah told by Kiyan, and the story of Ahmad (for whom Baha'u'llah wrote the Tablet), epically told by Aran Byrne.

The National Spiritual Assembly has sent Dr John Parris as its representative, and he showed a PowerPoint presentation that dramatically charged the atmosphere in the room. As he spoke, and showed us graphs about where we are in the process, - you could hear gasps of surprise and amazement, as he made us aware of just how close we were to becoming an A cluster. The National Assembly had asked him to come for that very reason, even though there was a Reflection Meeting that day in his own cluster. So we were left in no doubt that with a bit more effort, our goal was within our reach.

The afternoon session opened with a few musical renditions from " Charlie's Angels" (Charles-Charlie, Angels-spiritual beings- get it? ), a group which we hops will grow bit by bit, to contribute "spiritual food to future Reflection Meetings. Then the plan for the next three months was launched, which included a presentation by our children’s class co-ordinator, and a "playlet" about coming to terms with this new concept of home visits performed by Susie, Gemma, and Nason. The pledges which would make the plan happen came next, and there was a wonderful feeling in the room as people reflected on what they could offer, and then put their pledges on the various activities needed, There was a real sense of unity and purpose, and more pledges than had ever been made before. The Training Institute surprised us with a beautiful bouquet to convey its love and good wishes, approximately 400 pounds was raised for the Edinburgh Fund thanks to Kamal Ma’ani, and the day ended with Nason leading us in a Greek dance.

Was the day “productive and enjoyable?”- Definitely! A big thank you to everyone who came, and everyone involved in  contributing to the day.  See you an 2 October!

SA for the Cluster Coordinating Committee

Charles Dunning Cluster Reflection Meeting

In the Charles Dunning Cluster:Study Circle participation


Key (Each book consists of 4 bars)

  • Top bar is: Number of Community of Interest that are in the process of completing the book.
  • Second bar from top is: Number of Bahá'ís that are in the process of completing the book. ·
  • Third bar from top is: Number of Community of Interest that have completed the book.
  • Bottom bar is: Number of Bahá'ís that have completed the book.

NOTE:There are just over a hundred Bahá'ís in the Charles Dunning Cluster

Study Circles happening in the Cluster

  • Book 1: 6
  • Book 2: 1
  • Book 3: 1
  • Book 4: 1
  • Book 5: 0
  • Book 6: 0
  • Book 7: 1

Overall: 10 study circles currently happening

Report by Area Coordinator Mahan Hashemi-zadeh


The animator course ‘Breezes of confirmation’ has been going well during the summer but with all things new, it’s had its challenges and we’re continuing to endeavour to find the right amount of oil needed to gear the cogs.

I’m going to mention some of the fun activities (with large brush strokes of spirituality) that we have done recently.

FORGET THE NEW BATMAN FILM, the Thornhill junior youth carried out a number of sketches of Batman and his cohorts on the virtues discussed during class. Seeing the Penguin empathise, Catwoman portray patience, the Joker laugh with courage and the way Batman drove away in that batmobile…… well tears (of laughter) were running down my eyes.

Bahá'í friends came and we played with various musical instruments, we tried to harmonise the instruments and our voices. Not to mention the wicked rap songs that were written in 20 minutes.

Looking at these junior youth, the future is bright.

Report by Junior Youth CoordinatorAfnan Hashemi-zadeh


For further information, please contact your Area Coordinator, or visit