CommuNIqué - Newsletter of the Bahá'í Community in Northern Ireland
Issue 117 - 16 Azamat 163 BE - 1 June 2006 CE



Special Message from the Universal House of Justice to our National Spiritual Assembly


Dear Friends,

From 1951-53 the Bahá'í community of the British Isles (covering the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, which were at the time under one National Spiritual Assembly) was engaged, along with other National Assemblies, in a major campaign to take the Bahá'í Faith to the heart of Africa. This followed the Six Year Plan (1944-1950) which had established communities throughout these islands for the first time. Through the truly sacrificial efforts of pioneers, teachers, and administrators the community earned for itself a high destiny in the future world-wide affairs of the Faith. It was a destiny we had yet to rise to fulfil.

The Council is therefore thrilled to share with you this letter dated 17 April 2006 and sent to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom. The letter was read at National Convention and filled the participants not only with encouragement, wonder, and excitement at the prospects ahead but also with a deep sense of responsibility and awe at what the community must now achieve. We are delighted to share the full text of the letter with you.

With loving greetings,
Bahá'í Council for Northern Ireland.


The National Spiritual Assembly ofthe Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom

Dear Bahá'í Friends,

The Universal House of Justice was delighted to receive your message dated 2 April 2006 conveying news of the successful outcome of theinstitutional gathering in Coventry where, after careful review of the 27 December 2005 message and deep reflection on the progress of the Faith inthe clusters across the United Kingdom, the ambitious goal of establishing at least 28 intensive programmes of growth during the coming five years was set.

The spirit now animating the Bahá'í community of the United Kingdom is exhilarating. How far your community has travelled since the start of theFive Year Plan in 2001! The stirring experiences of believers who, having struggled with inertia and fears of their own limitations, went on to become champions in the field of teaching--beginning first in Manchester and London and now being repeated in all parts of the country--have served as an example to the European continent and beyond. Surely, your blessed community has reclaimed a position among the front ranks of the world-embracing, invincible army of Bahá'u'lláh which it attained decades ago prior to the launch of the African campaign. The coming years will undoubtedly witness unprecedented victories through a notable advance in the process of entry by troops.

How apt are these words of the beloved Guardian written to the National Spiritual Assembly of the British Isles more than a half-century ago:

This community, laden with the trophies of so recent and splendid a victory, and summoned to brace itself for another exertion, so fate-laden in its consequences, stands too near the structure which its hands are now rearing to visualise the dimensions of its task, appraise its value, and appreciate its future glory. Alive to its inherent capacity, conscious of its high responsibility, aware of the sacredness of its mission, emboldened by its recent exploits, trusting fully in that reinforcing Power that guided and sustained it unfailingly in the past, this community can do no better than to gird up afresh its loins, turn its back upon the clamour of the age, its fears, confusion and strife, step resolutely forward on its chosen path, unshakably confident that with every step it takes, should it remain undeflected in its purpose and undimmed in its vision, a fresh outpouring of Divine grace will reinforce and guide its march on the highroad of its destiny.

The House of Justice will offer prayers at the Sacred Threshold that the blessings of Bahá'u'lláh may reinforce the efforts of the believers andinstitutions in the United Kingdom as they steel their resolve and direct their energies to the tasks at hand.

With loving Bahá'í greetings,
Department of the Secretariat.