CommuNIqué - Newsletter of the Bahá'í Community in Northern Ireland
Issue 137 - 4 Jamál 165 BE - 1 May 2008 CE





Anna is a fictional character around whom is woven the most amazing template for teaching the Faith. She exists in the pages of Book 6 of the Ruhi sequence of courses and other places. Beware, however, if you think Anna is the ultimate answer to the swift and successful declaration of new Believers. She is not.

We all have our own wee way of teaching, usually involving our own particular interests in certain of the teachings more than others. All of us have given people a slanted view of the Faith from time to time. What is great about this template, however, is that it helps us to see what the ‘essentials to know’ are for those approaching the Faith. Icing and decorations can be added to the cake later. If we fail to say exactly what the Bahá’í Faith is then we are failing to share Bahá’u’lláh’s message in balance. Worse, we could give some one the wrong idea of what the Faith is about. So what is the presentation which fictional Anna gives to her fictional friend?

Well, she talks about the eternal Covenant of God, then about unity followed by a very carefully crafted synopsis of the life of Bahá’u’lláh, the Báb and then of ‘Abdul’Bahá and the Covenant. Finally, some of the Laws are spoken of in a gentle way followed by a summary and mention of the organisation of the Faith. Let’s face it most of us might have done it this way anyway – but when you study the detail, the way in which this has so carefully been prepared then you can see the wisdom in it. The content has been given very thoughtful attention so that we don’t cause spiritual indigestion in our listener. The gentleness and the directness of it all are obvious and measured. In fact the direct element of inviting the seeker to join the Faith, in two places during the presentation, is very powerful. In so doing, once seeing that the seekers heart is touched, we are inviting them to work to build up this new world order as laid out by the Manifestation of God for today, Bahá'u'lláh.

Each must share the message in a natural and personal way developed by each of us. Otherwise we cannot mean it and be sincere. Learning Anna’s method by rote, off by heart so to speak, will not do us justice and is likely not to have the desired effect. But, and it is a big but, if we carefully study how Anna approaches her inquirer and the nature of that inquirer, as well as the content of the presentation we will find that it becomes a powerful and effective tool. Remember this template-tool is something that acts as a guide. A template is also a base onto which something can be attached firmly. Friends, the Ruhi sequence of courses and Anna’s presentation as part of these have been developed, tried and tested by the Ruhi Institute over some 30 years. So we have a truly excellent tool. But that tool must be in the hands of a spiritually prepared operator.

We could deliver this presentation word perfect, with great acting skills, having rehearsed it ‘till the cows come home’ and totally fail because we are not spiritually prepared. This is at the very heart of success in attracting those who are ready to join us in the Cause of God. Are we loving, caring, eager, patient, and desiring to sacrifice ourselves? If we are, and we have the excellent tool in our hands having learned to use it, then…well…..anything can happen!

By the way, don’t mention “Anna” to the new enquirer. They might want to meet her – then you’re in trouble!


The latest issue of this newsletter, prepared under the auspices of the International Teaching Centre and carrying news of teaching and progress from all over the world, has been received. It has been distributed electronically to Spiritual Assembly and group secretaries but should be read by everyone. If you do not have a copy please contact your local secretary or the Bahá'í Council for an electronic or printed copy.


CommuNIqueand other Bahá’í publications welcomes photographs of your activities. However where children and young people (up to age 18) are featured the Child Protection Procedure of the National Spiritual Assembly requires that (unless it is a group picture—five or more) permission of the parent or guardian be given. If this doesn’t come with the photo then it cannot be used. Please bear this in mind when sending pictures. Of course if the sender is the parent or guardian of the young person featured, permission is assumed.


The Bahá'í Council been experimenting with the setup of an electronic calendar If anyone has been able to access it we would be very grateful to havesome feedback. It is now possible to access the calendar by using the URL

In addition you can import the calendar data into other electronic calendars such as Outlook etc. Please send details of any items you would like to add to the calendar to Edwin Graham.


Are you due to go on Pilgrimage, or making a three-day visit to the World Centre? Not only will this bring you great bounties, it can be an opportunity to share more about the Faith with the people of your area. Such a visit is newsworthy and your local paper will probably print a report about your experience, especially if it is seen as a “pilgrimage with a difference”.

A special press lead is available to help you with this. You can obtain it from the Bahá'í Council’s Press and Public Information Officer.


The Bahá'í Council would like to remind all the Friends in Northern Irelandthat the small ‘activities booklet’ is still available on request (in small or larger quantities). Giving an overview of the core activities for the non-Bahá'í reader, it is professionally-designed, colourful, ideal for handing to friends and enquirers: if you want some copies to give away please get in touch with the Secretary of the Bahá'í Council.

These booklets are resources to be out there working for the Faith, telling people about our various activities and inviting them to join. Why not get some and use them?