CommuNIqué - Newsletter of the Bahá'í Community in Northern Ireland
Issue 61 - 1 Kamál 158 BE - 1 August 2001 CE


From Little Acorns Mighty Oaks Grow

In the historic city of Derry/Londonderry, whose name translated from the Gaelic means Oak Grove, there is another seedling beginning to grow. The Acorn Study Circle has germinated and is thriving under the nurturing hand of out facilitator Elizabeth Palin. There is a lively mix of new, not so new and non-Bahá’ís in the group which makes for a serious but fun studying environment.

Although the group has only recently formed, already we have almost completed the first book of the Ruhi Institute, Reflections on the Life of the Spirit. We meet regularly at the home of David Palin, and enjoy the now famous Bahá’í hospitality and hear all about the activities of Homer and Marge, the Palins’ rabbits.

The community project chosen by the Acorn Study Circle is to clean-up a sensory garden at Stradreagh Hospital for the Mentally and physically handicapped. As the garden had fallen into disrepair – and major overgrowth – the patients and staff were delighted when they were told that a ‘garden Force’ job would be soon done.

It is hoped that the Acorn Study Circle will continue to grow and that the good citizens of Derry will be drawn to this new tree in their midst.

Lawrence McMinn