CommuNIqué - Newsletter of the Bahá'í Community in Northern Ireland
Issue 61 - 1 Kamál 158 BE - 1 August 2001 CE


Arranging a Tranquillity Zone has proved a valuable experience for many local communities. It can be very useful for proclamation and teaching and as a public service / social development project (though this and the teaching role should not, of course, be confused). The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom feels it has much to offer as one approach for the spreading of the Faith. In fact it has taken it seriously enough to trademark the name Tranquillity Zone to make sure it is not exploited commercially and also to establish a domain for it on the World Wide Web.

It therefore gives the National Assembly great pleasure to announce the launch of its official Tranquillity Zone Website at with details about how to hold one, practical advice, possible readings, samples of press coverage from around the country, and other material. The Friends are encouraged to visit this site: for those thinking of or planning a Tranquillity Zone locally a visit is essential.

Communities with their own Websites - an increasing number – could also consider making a link from their site to the Tranquillity Zone one.

Those who cannot access the Web or prefer for any reason to have their own hard copy of the material can obtain a set by contacting the National Spiritual Assembly.