CommuNIqué - Newsletter of the Bahá'í Community in Northern Ireland
Issue 62 - 13 Asmá 158 BE - 1 September 2001 CE

Training Institute for Northern Ireland

It is inspiring to note how many local friends have responded to the Universal House of Justice’s call to participate in training courses (i.e. Universal House of Justice letter: 9.01.01; P3.). As tutors and collaborators (i.e. participants) gain new insights and understandings of the process, we are beginning to see results, with non-Bahá’ís joining some 'study circles’. The Universal House of Justice has said, the establishment of 'study circles' is among “...the goals for every community...' (ibid.P.5). These circles are an environment where friends can be guided through a systematic programme, offering the spiritual and inspirational teachings of the Faith, in a methodical, coherent sequence.

Here are some frequently asked questions:

(1) What exactly is a 'study circle'?

A small group of people who get together to 'study' and 'train', with the assistance of the Training Institute NI, which offers specially trained tutors, and provides study materials.

(2) What's the difference between 'training' and 'deepening'?

‘Deepening’ usually means study of some kind, but ‘training’ should have a practical element – i.e. going out and doing something – otherwise it is not actually ‘training’. If ‘deepening’ can mean acquiring knowledge and understanding, then ‘training’ can mean acquiring skills and practice.

(3) What subjects do people study?

Currently the Training Institute mainly use the 'Ruhi Institute' series of Study Books. The International Teaching Centre has said:- “The Ruhi Institute curriculum has been tested and adapted over many years….Bahá’ís with diverse cultural and educational backgrounds have found the curriculum’s deceptively simple approach, based heavily on the Creative Word, both appealing and empowering.”
[Training Institutes and Systematic Growth : p.6 Feb 2000]

These inspiring, beautiful books have been used worldwide and are indeed 'deceptively simple' and 'appealing'. Here, the 'study circle process is still developing, and we are still learning new things. Anyone can begin or repeat a course: to empower, inspire, and do something new. The Institute has two co-ordinators to help organise & set up study circles; so if you are interested in setting up, joining, or repeating a course: Then please contact:-

Mr. Arjang Agahi : phone: 94 432200 e-mail :

Mr. Bruce Luck : phone: 70356685 e-mail :