CommuNIqué - Newsletter of the Bahá'í Community in Northern Ireland
Issue 64 - 9 Qudrat 158 BE - 12 November 2001 CE

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Birth of Bahá’u’lláh

Today we give thanks for a miracle,
Today we give thanks with a song,
That God would send down from his Heaven above
A soul that would work to right wrong.

A soul that would know about suffering
Rejection and imprisonment too,
Who would contact world leaders and warn them
They must change and become something new.

Bahá’u’lláh was God’s chosen Prophet,
He dedicated His life for us too
His words are as precious in today’s world
And can make a New World Order come true

If everyone follows his teaching
And lives as He said that they should
Then peace and joy will be the result
And the world will be giving and good.

We would all be like the branches of one tree,
No more prejudice or bigotry
Bahá’u’lláh’s Words are as fresh today
On November 12th, the 21st century.

Ina Cantrell