CommuNIqué - Newsletter of the Bahá'í Community in Northern Ireland
Issue 82 - 16 ’Azamat 160 BE - 1 June 2003 CE





The study circle's a channel, a portal to God's grace;
Add to it devotional, you're quickening the pace;
Children's classes follow, to prepare the human race;
Three of them together change bronze to gold's embrace;
It all began in Persia, a hundred years or so,
then Sadru's Sudúr, a lover of the Blessed Beauty arose
in answer to the summons God's mighty Covenant did pose;
His work among the Persians, the first tutor of him did make,
releasing man's potential for our Beloved's sake;
The souls that he, Hands and others were privileged to prepare;
Became the firm foundation for a future, ever brighter, ever fair;
T'was the Master, our Exemplar, God's great Message He did bear;
And whisked It ever westward till its light shone everywhere;
The Sign of God, the Guardian, a number of souls he chose;
Further diffused divine fragrances emanating from the Rose;
The Plans he made, the goals he set, the guidance he did give;
Love, encouragement, hope - a new life for us to live;
And as his life was ebbing, was coming to a close;
a mighty Plan, a great Crusade to us did he unfold
He raised more Hands, he nurtured them, an institution he did create;
They served his Plan with faithfulness, not once did hesitate,
until the goal - the mission - fulfilled with glory yet untold,
and God's Arc sailed on Carmel, in the shadow of God's Throne;
The Universal House of Justice now two score has led,
God's lovers in search of troops, of heavenly souls unread;
The means are now within our grasp, to consolidate all gains,
expand to untold reaches of humanity's highest aims;
Study circles, devotionals, children's classes too;
source of great endeavours to make fondest dreams come true!

A collaborator, inspired by John McCann Study Circle