CommuNIqué - Newsletter of the Bahá'í Community in Northern Ireland
Issue 95 - 8 Rahmat 161 BE - 1 July 2004 CE




The new ABW Committee has been appointed by the Bahá'í Council for Northern Ireland for this year:

  • Chairperson: Susanne Rezvani
  • Secretary: Kerry Whiteside
  • Minuting Secretary: Sara Lindsay
  • Treasurer: Mahin Gornall
  • Publicity: Flora Luck

The Vision Statement of ABW is:

  1. That equality is understood as a spiritual principle, supported by the education of men, women, youth and children.
  2. That the principle of equality be implemented, thereby advancing peace.
  3. That Bahá'í women understand their role and high responsibilities by their networking and participation in the activities of society.

The Core Group roles and the way the Committee functions has changed: for example the secretarial role involves two people, as shown above. The Committee has and will continue to study the Five Year Plan and how its work fits into the Plan and the three core activities.

ABW hopes to have pre-marriage seminars twice a year and is in the process of asking people to be on a task-force to organise these—more details to follow…