In God Passes By (page 256)
Shoghi Effendi refers to the brief mention that was made of the
Bahá'í Faith by the Rev. Henry Jessup at the World Parliament of
Religions in Chicago in 1893. Many Bahá'ís have taken to calling
this the first public mention of the Faith in the West. Although it may well
have been the first public mention of the Faith in North America, the
Bahá'í Faith had already been the subject of lectures in Britain.
The religion of the Báb was brought to prominence
by the Comte de Gobineau in his book Les Religions et Les Philosophies
dans l'Asie Centrale which was published in 1865. At least one public
reference to the religion of the Báb was made as a consequence of this
book. The famous writer and critic, Matthew Arnold, made a brief reference to
the Faith in an address that he gave to the Birmingham and Midland Institute on
October 16th 1871 (See M. Momen, Babi and Bahá'í
Religions). However, the great interest caused by Gobineau's book makes
it certain that if we were to search hard, other more extensive references
based on Gobineau could be found. This however, only relates to the religion of
the Báb. The fact that the religion of the Báb had transformed
itself into the Bahá'í Faith was somewhat slow in reaching the
The person to bring this to the attention of the people
of this part of the world was Professor Edward Granville Browne of Cambridge
University. Browne spent almost a year in Iran in 1887-88. On his return to
England in September 1888, he began to organize the information he had
collected about the Faith. Then in early 1889 he began to write up his findings
regarding the Bahá'í Faith for an academic paper.
Cambridge, Newcastle, and London
During research on E. G. Browne at
Cambridge University Library it was discovered that Browne made a number of
presentations about the Faith in England. On February 25 1889, he gave a
lecture to Pembroke College Literary Society - known as the 'Martlets' - during
which the Faith was discussed at length. This was a semi-private meeting, but
it qualifies as the earliest mention of the Faith. In the Easter vacation that
year, he returned to his family home in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. There, on March 29
1889, he gave a presentation on the Faith before the Essay Society. Later the
same year he presented two papers to consecutive meetings of the Royal Asiatic
Society in London on April 15 and June 17 1889. The two papers were entitled
The Babis of Persia, I: Sketch of their History, and Personal
Experience Amongst Them and The Babis of Persia, II: Their Literature and
Doctrines. These two papers were published in the Journal of the Society
in July and October of the same year.
South Place
In 1890 the South Place Institute
invited Browne to speak at the South Place Chapel, Finsbury, London. The South
Place Ethical Society was started in 1793 as a Universalist church but later
followed Unitarian doctrine, becoming an independent establishment in 1833. Two
clergymen dominated its nineteenth century history. From 1817 until 1864 the
minister was William J. Fox. A preacher, writer, journalist, editor, MP,
political orator, and social reformer, he introduced a parliamentary Bill for
national secular education and campaigned for the Anti-Corn Law League. A
twelve-volume memorial set of his work was published posthumously. In February
1864, Monclure Daniel Conway, American preacher and abolitionist, disciple and
friend of Emerson, was appointed as minister. He was part of the New England
Group that included Longfellow and Oliver Wendell Holmes. He was a prolific
writer and biographer whose most famous work was on Thomas Paine.
South Place became associated with, amongst
others, Robert and Elizabeth Browning; Thomas Carlyle; Charles Dickens; George
Eliot; the Scottish geologist Sir Charles Lyell; the musical Novello family;
Dr. J. T. Kirkland, President of Harvard; Keshub Chunder Sen, the Indian
religious reformer; James Legge, the first professor of Chinese at Oxford;
George Bernard Shaw; and J. Ramsey Macdonald.
Picture: The young Edward Browne in Persian
dress such as worn during his travels in Persia.
Of special note to Bahá'ís are Benjamin
Jowett of Baliol and Ernest Renan. Although at first the South Place meetings
were fairly standard church services, during Fox's ministry outside speakers
were increasingly invited. Conway used to give only 30 sermons a year. It was
during the two years after Conway returned to the United States that the famous
Sunday afternoon free lectures, open to the public and well attended, took
place. A series of Sunday afternoon concerts and recitals started in 1887.
These supported young performers and composers such as Vaughan Williams, John
Barbirolli, and Hamilton Harty. South Place was the first truly non-conformist
institution in London and it became an important centre of liberal thought.
Browne's 10,000-word lecture, one of a series by speakers such as Rev.
Professor H. C. Shuttleworth, J. E. Carlyle, and Annie Besant on 'The Religious
Systems of the World' was devoted entirely to the Faith and was delivered on
Sunday February 15 1891 at four o'clock. It was entitled Babiism.
It is worth reviewing a few points from the
lecture.'.... all the rest accepting Bahá'u'lláh,' Browne said,
'as the final and perfect manifestation of the Truth. ... The essence of their
teaching is, in reality, one and the same; for the same universal wisdom
speaks, and the divine will acts through all of them.' Browne quoted the
Báb: ' If today anyone believes in the Beyan [sic] he is seated on a
throne of glory, though he be seated in the dust.' Browne explained the Faith's
social beliefs: 'War must cease, nation's must mingle in friendship, justice
must become universal, all must be as brothers'. He then quotes
Bahá'u'lláh: 'Ye are all the fruits of one tree and the leaves of
one branch
Religious hatred and rancour is a world-consuming fire.' Of
the Faith the lecture's opening paragraph states '.....whatever its actual
destiny may be, (the Bahá'í Faith) is of that stuff whereof world
religions are made. And to this rank does it claim, demanding nothing less than
universal acceptance and undisputed sway not only in Persia.... but throughout
the whole world.' The lecture ends with this: ' But what I cannot hope to have
conveyed to you is the terrible earnestness of these men, and the indescribable
influence which this earnestness, combined with other qualities, exerts on
anyone who has actually been brought in contact with them.'
This happened some two and a half years before Jessup's
paper in Chicago and qualifies as the earliest popular public mention of the
Bahá'í Faith in the West. The full text of the lecture is
preserved on pages 333 to 353 of the collected South Place lectures. The
collection entitled The Religious Systems of the World was first
published in 1892 and ran into several editions. This seems to have been the
first popular publication of the Bahá'í Faith or the words of
Bahá'u'lláh in the West. On February 23 1891, Browne apparently
repeated the lecture to the 'Martlets' at Pembroke College, Cambridge. The
detailed description of the lecture is unique in the Society's minute book
(1880 to 1902).
This was first published on the UK
Baháí Heritage website for the UK
BaháíCentenary 1998-199 and is based on research and
articles by Dr Moojan Momen (Bahá'í Journal, September 1989) and
Derek Cockshutt (Bahá'í Journal, March 1993). A valuable source
book for information about these early times is The Bábì
and Bahá·í Religions, 1844-1944: Some Contemporary Western
Accounts by Moojan Momen (published George Ronald).